Lunch & After School Nutrition
This program is offered weekly during our School Year. The BGCCB, WPYC is a strong believer in the importance of healthy eating. Healthy eating leads to healthy growth and development and provides children with the energy they need to concentrate on school work and to take part in recreational activities. The BGCCB, WPYC tries to be “Junk Food Free” which means we do not serve any junk food such as chips, candy, bars etc.. on site.
The BGCCB, WPYC offers a nutritional snack to all members who attend the Lunch & After School Programs. The Lunch Program runs from 12:00PM (Noon) to 1PM, Afterschool Snack Program runs from 2:00-2:30 daily. Snacks include fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers, milk, juice and much more.