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Liam Stapleton

My name is Liam Stapleton. I grew up in Sydney Nova Scotia and now a resident of Membertou First Nation. Growing up, I played many sports such as hockey, basketball and football to name a few. Basketball was always my favourite sport growing up because I was always taller than my peers and I excelled at basketball the most. I am an alumni at CBU and I had the pleasure of playing on the CBU Mens Basketball Team.


Now that I am all grown up, basketball took the back seat and my life is now dedicated to two things; my family and ceremony. I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful step daughters who are my whole world and make every day an honour to call them my family. I also take part in different healing ceremonies. I am a pipe carrier and my life is dedicated to praying to help heal and help others who need it.


I joined the board of directors for the Boys and Girls Club because what we have in Whitney pier is an amazing resource and it is a part of my life’s mission; helping others. From when I was just a boy at WPM Jr High to now, the evolution of the boys and girls club has been amazing but the mission statement still stays the same; help one another and it’s all about the children. I am on the board of directors because I believe in what the Boys and Girls Club is doing and I have to be apart of it.

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